has a mission to connect workers on the autistic spectrum looking for jobs with employers that could benefit from the strengths of many of these workers. They often excel at work with traits including analytics, data-driven thinking styles, and attention to detail; but some employers may need help understanding how to engage with these interviewees or create a positive work environment.

Our goal in working with was to convey these benefits of a neurodiverse workforce and to drive signups for the signature training classes.

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The Challenge offers a somewhat complicated value proposition and product. The company uses a B2B business model offering classes, workshops, and training materials to employers. Their target audience is made up of companies rather than individuals, even if individual job-seekers and employees would ultimately benefit. (Most companies, notes, already have autistic employees on payroll.) Thus, it was important for the website to simplify both their offerings (a common misconception is that is a candidate placement company) and their value propositions and to drive sign-ups for their programs from website traffic.

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The Solution

Working with, we decided to create a one-page website. While this type of site structure was trendier in years past, there were several compelling reasons that this was the best option in this instance. First, the company had relatively little publicly available content. While they were creating content for their classes, the content would be best delivered in person, as a workshop, and a paid resource, so there were limited amounts of content they wanted to share on their site. Furthermore, the company hoped to spell out their narrative in a linear way to their visitors. While we typically advise companies to avoid the trap of expecting visitors to read in a linear fashion, in this case, we agreed that the story was complex, yet compelling enough that a one-page site would indeed be the best delivery vehicle for the company’s story. Finally, the singular conversion goal of a sign-up lended itself well to the structure of a linear webpage.

As we designed the various modules of the landing page, our goal was to create visually compelling screens to frame the text-based story with images and interactivity. We accomplished this by using a  beautiful full-screen hero image, several modules split 50/50 with images and text, pop-up modals to show more detailed information for especially curious visitors, and a form based call-to-action to sign up for’s services.

The Results

Search engines and inbound links point to the top of the one-pager, meaning that visitors begin the story at the beginning. While it’s best told in chronological order, everything still makes sense if a user scrolls past a section and focuses instead on a later one. There’s a CTA at the bottom of the page to use after perusing the site, and one at the top if you already know you’d like to sign up. On the back end, that CTA feeds into a simple customer relationship management system that allows the company to easily follow up with answers to questions or requests for class bookings as well as sending follow-up email automations and drip campaigns to follow prospects through the purchase cycle.

The end result of this project is a website that effectively tells a story while making use of limited content, and drives users to sign up for more information. It is beautiful and effective, making it a great gateway for companies looking to improve their inclusion of their current or prospective employees on the autistic spectrum.

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